2017-04-28 3:29 AM
i use the STM32F4 USB CDC (generate by CUBEMX(v.4.20)) and want change the shown name in the Device Manager.
I change these lines but nothing change in the device manager.
&sharpdefine USBD_VID 1155
&sharpdefine USBD_LANGID_STRING 1033&sharpdefine USBD_MANUFACTURER_STRING 'MyManufacture'&sharpdefine USBD_PID_FS 22336&sharpdefine USBD_PRODUCT_STRING_FS 'MyProduct'&sharpdefine USBD_SERIALNUMBER_STRING_FS '00000000005A'&sharpdefine USBD_CONFIGURATION_STRING_FS 'CDC Config'&sharpdefine USBD_INTERFACE_STRING_FS 'CDC Interface'&sharpdefine USB_SIZ_BOS_DESC 0x0C
#usb_cdc2018-08-10 9:26 AM
Sorry, bumping old zombie unanswered threads off my feed
Make sure this naming actually gets into your code. Naming may also be impacted by names associated by VID/PID in system's .INF files.
2019-03-19 6:51 PM
If you change the const STORAGE_Inquirydata_FS in usbd_storage_if.c you can change the name of the properties/hardware. However, I also still cannot change the name from USB_Device to MyDevice. Have you made any progress there?
2019-03-19 7:05 PM
This is a two year old thread. So maybe it got fixed, or perhaps he was offered an opportunity to seek employment elsewhere..
The Inquiry Data != USB Descriptor Strings. The latter are usually UNICODE, and would need to be synthesized from ASCII strings, inspect the code building the descriptors and which are being used and generated on-the-fly vs those hard coded into structures. Inspect the binary generated by the linker to see if the data is in there.