2020-06-21 10:40 PM
I develop a software using delay (and do Systick resource). This software works fine when it's mapped @0x08000000 and using BOOT_ADD0.
But, when I maps it @0x08008000 and use BOOT_ADD1, no Systick raises !
Somebody has already resolve this problem.
Thanks in advance.
2020-06-23 05:22 AM
> the 0x0800003C and the 0x0800803C are into the interrupt vector table and correspond to the systick hanlder.
What are the values there?
2020-06-23 07:51 AM
I've tried some cases :
The HAL_delay function waits some millisecond, the counter is incremented by the systick_handler, handler under interrupt.
I really think that I have bad setup some where ! but where ?
2020-06-24 02:16 AM
> but where ?
How could I guess when you don't answer my question about the contents of the flash at 0x0800003C and 0x0800803C ?
2020-06-24 04:23 AM
of course, sorry :(
@0x0800003C and @0x0800803C I have the address of the systick_handler (handler incrementing a static variable on each IT at 1ms).
2020-06-24 04:33 AM
And how do I guess their values?
2020-06-24 04:53 AM
This values seem to be good.
when I look the flash memory address corresponding to the 0x0800803C content, it correspond to the systick_handler !
The problem isn't there.
The problem is that there isn't IT event raised !
2020-06-24 05:00 AM
Sorry, if you don't tell the values, I can't help you any further.
2020-06-24 06:37 AM
@0x0800803C contains 0x08008F25...
and this address location correspond to the systick_handler...
2020-06-24 06:44 AM
2020-06-24 07:16 AM
What value does the SCB->VTOR register contain?