2017-07-29 02:14 AM
I'm currently working on stm32l053 VCP. I've done a code to initialize & start VCP driver in stm32l053 and tested it using stm32l053-DISCO board, where it works fine. I can able to detect the com port in my pc(I've downloaded & installed the VCP driver from ST).
When i flash the same .bin file to my custom board i'm unable to detect the VCP in my pc. I've used the same circuit provided in the stm32l053-DISCO Schematic for my custom board. I can see voltage at USB point 4.95 V and MCU is powering on at 3.56V and Vdd USB at 3.46 V. I don't know what i'm missing in my custom board. Could anyone please help me with this issue.
2017-07-29 02:44 AM
Is your board feeding from usb port itself? or from another external source?
In first case , put some milliseconds(10,20,..) delay before you initialize your usb port.
You wrote 'I've used the same circuit provided in the stm32l053-DISCO Schematic' You mean only about usb cirquit?
Check if VDDA, VSSA VDD_USB, BOOT, NRST pins connected as the other board.
2017-07-29 06:01 AM
Hi Vangelis,
Thank you.. It's working now. I didn't connected the USB_DP & USB_DM pins correctly, I swithced it instead.