2019-01-03 3:47 PM
I have a problem with VCP on NUCLEO with STM32F767. There is no demo for STM32F7 and I have no idea how to start. My idea is to use USB periphery of STM32F767 for communication via VCP. Can you help me, please how to start or where I can find some example?
Note: In my final application I will use FreeRTOS. Is it any trouble with it?
Thank you very much
2019-01-08 7:26 AM
Hello @Stastny.Petr ,
You can start from the CDC example under STM32F769I_EVAL project, and get inspired from this working application, change the pins and modify the example depending on your needs.
You can also use the STM32CubeMX tool to initialize peripherals, build and generate your starting project.
Please find attached a presentation "STM32L4 Discovery USB VCP hands on.pdf", which shows step by step how to develop an USB VCP example application on STM32L4 Discovery kit (which is also be applicable to the STM32F7).
Kind Regards,