2019-03-12 7:19 AM
Hi all,
On an STM32F746-Disco I've succesfully tested DFU using DfuSe demo (ie sending a .dfu file from a PC to the board using the USB as a serial port) and the USB Host MSC... I wonder if it's possible create a bootloader that will read a dfu file previously stored on a USB mass storage device and that will flash the application area according to its contents.
Is there an example of an USB MSC bootloader using dfu files ? is this a good idea or it's better to stay on hex/bin files ?
best regards,
2019-03-12 8:31 AM
ST has provided USB Flash stick upgrade examples in the past. Look under USB Host, and FatFs examples under Applications trees for assorted F7 boards. Most HAL examples from other families have high degree of portability also.
Not sure there is a DFU file based example. I wrote my own for a MicroSD card system that unpacked the .DFU on a custom MicroPython boot loader. The format is sufficiently well documented.
2019-03-13 1:39 AM
Hi Clive...
thanks for the provided info... I'm looking at the AN3990 right now... it seems that is based on *.bin files and it's for STM32F4 devices... but at least is a starting point...
thanks again,