2017-05-30 4:46 AM
Please help me !!!
I want to config USB STM32F429 in mode Host hight speed with USB PHY.
Please tell me the way or give to me source .
Thanks you so much !!!!!!
#usb #stm32f429 #usb-host #stm32f4-usb-highspeed-hs-ulpi #usb-host-phy2017-05-30 5:08 AM
,A set of application using the USB Host Library package are available under the STM32F4 cube firmware package
2017-06-01 8:32 AM
Thanks you so much !
I use STM32F429 USB HS Host library for UVC device.
Some UVC device has ISOC EP wMaxPacketSize=3072 or 5010
I open endpoint type iso with msp = 5010.
Then I Set Interface Alternate and start stream with
wMaxPacketSize =
I use
USBH_IsocReceiveData to receive data but USBH_LL_GetLastXferSize return max value 1020
and data image I get is missing.
I think data missing because i can't receive iso package with wMaxPacketSize =
Please me fix to receive it.