2015-08-14 7:18 AM
I want to have the ability to connect a USB to my board to write data to it. I'm hoping someone that has some experience with USB OTG to have a look at the attached (small) schematic section of the USB OTG input of my circuit.The STMPS is an ST power switch, and the USBUF is a USB surge and noise device. Bus names are shown to the net bus connector and connected to the likewise names on the controller. I just need to be sure that all is well before I send to make a PCB. Can someone please help to confirm or comment, very appreciated. Regards, Gary #stm32-usb-otg2015-08-22 8:49 AM
2015-08-23 4:37 AM
Have a look at the . Appendix A, it's all there.