2012-08-02 6:25 AM
My company is in a phaze where we evaluate STM32F4xx using STM32F4-Discovery EVB. For the past few days we tried to activate USB mass storage feature bug failed. We couldn't find any example for that issue. Can anyone help us with that issue? Thanks. #usb-mass-storage2012-08-05 6:38 AM
The problem is that so far we didn't manage to run mass storage USB on our EVB. None of the samples work.
While that's unfortunate, it doesn't convey much detail about what you've created or how you tested it.
2012-08-05 6:44 AM
Hi clive1,
I used ''STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.1.0'' sample. I changed it to work for STM32F4xx. In my case the PC fails to enumerate the device. none of the get_descriptors functions are called. I am attaching the project and source in case you don't mind to peek. Thanks. ________________ Attachments : STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.1.0.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hzk0&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bOt%2F51IMRhcLAruFETdWiqhyrHNITOFrGgJYBS9dcoaB_0s&asPdf=false2012-08-05 7:53 AM
This is a HID example. Doesn't appear to address the fact the STM32F4-Discovery board has an 8 MHz HSE crystal, or that there is no LCD attached.
2012-08-05 11:50 AM
OK, you are trying to be a USB mass storage device itself, not a USB host trying to access a mass storage device, correct?
And you connected a USB host to the ''south'' USB port, right?Are you proficient with the IDE and Debug? It would be helpful to describe what state it's stuck in. So far I don't think we've excluded things like the hanging the code because of hard faults or something like that.2012-08-05 2:42 PM
Or motherboard solutions :
2012-08-05 11:00 PM
Hi Danny,
I am trying to enable mass storgae device. We don't need HS USB device. FS is fin for us. The code is not stuck (after fixing and excluding some API calls to non-existing peripherals). The problem is that the enumeration process in our device is not starting. non of the USB API (het descriptors APIs) is called. Thanks.2012-08-06 5:23 AM
The problem is that the enumeration process in our device is not starting.
Fix the HSE and PLL settings.