2015-12-02 10:36 AM
Hi to All,
I would like to share my experience to create test application and measure the USB performance for both FS and HS with external ULPI PHY (USB3300) on STM32F4 MCU series. To do that Olimex STM32-H405 board and USB3300 module was used as hardware. Because of high speed the connection between them was made with very short wires and using default pin connection case with USB3300 reset pin connected to PA6. In addition to use default USB FS Device pin-out USB_P was re-wired from PC4 to PA9. For debugging USART2 (PA2 Tx only) is used. The pins for USART1/6 and SDIO ware reserved for future use. Additional hardware used is ST-LINK V2 (for FW uploading and debugging) and FT4232-HUB module for inter connectivity. Windows 7 PC (i7) and a20-Lime2-SOM with Linux 3.4.79+ are used as hosts for terminating of USB connections. STM32F4 application was created from the scratch using STM32CubeMX and STM32Cube FW (for STM32F4 ver. 1.8.0) including both USB FS and HS with external ULPI PHY interfaces set as CDC devices and FreeRTOS. Development was made in Eclipse IDE as Makefile project thanks tohttp://wunderkis.de/stm32cube/index.html
Makefile framework. In addition library standard input and output was redirected to UART2 thanks to newlib staff added. USB FS/HS devices info was verified with UVCView on Windows and �lsusb� command and �usb-devices� script on Linux. It was assured of full / high speed of USB FS/HS devises respectively. Performance measurement was planned to be done on both device and host sides. On STM32F4 FW side two FreeRTOS threads sending data continuously at maximal speed using long buffers with built-in throughput measurement ware added. In the loop of the default startup thread the results are printed to stdout. The first tests ware done without host measurement of the throughput and Linux �cat� command (with stdin redirected from /dev/ttyACM devices) was used to terminate USB connections. To eliminate the print to screen time stdout was redirected to /dev/null. The results measured for USB FS/HS throughput and data memory usage at different sizes of USB FS/HS transmit buffers ware presented on the following diagram.2015-12-09 12:11 AM
Hi to All,
I have finally solved some problems at measurement of the throughput via USB HS with HS ULPI and its verification from both device and host sides.2016-07-19 10:27 PM
Thanks for the interesting article.
I am doing a project that requires high speed transmission between MCU and PC. Could you elaborate how you configured the USB CDC driver to achieve the high speed transmission?2018-12-20 1:58 PM
Hi gnohiah
Sorry for the delayed answer. Find attached the project as-is. It was generated by STM32CubeMX 4.10.0 installed in Eclipse Mars Release (4.5.0). In addition you can find ab-tests-howto.pdf file with explanation how-to install and configure development environment. The binary can be uploaded and run on stm32-h405 board with USB Host connector wired.
In addition you can take a look on other discussions here:
Unfortunately, most of the details about my tests are not clear so have a luck with the staff. It would be fine to have some feedback from you.
Best regards and success
2018-12-21 4:44 AM