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STM32F107 + DP83848(Ethernet controller)

Associate II
Posted on September 01, 2011 at 10:37


I have a problem with the ethernet controller DP83848 in combiantion with a STM32F107.  I designed a PCB with these two components, I copied a part of the schematic of the STM3210C-EVAL board. I am using the RMII mode so I didn't connect the lines needed for MII. I know the software works because I tested it with the EVAL board. I suspect that the ethernet controller works because I can read and write to it. My problem is that I am getting a lot of false carrier sense errors from the ethernetcontroller so I think it has something to do with receiving data over ethernet. Does anybody have any experience with this problem or the ethernetcontroller?

Thank You,


#metoo #stm32f107-dp83848-carrier-sense #rmii
Posted on April 04, 2013 at 18:19

Hello Grant, Just wondering were you able to solve the problem?

Posted on April 04, 2013 at 18:41

Instead of playing this METOO game with a respondent here, twice, 18 months ago, why don't you clearly state your problem, with your board/circuit details, and with your schematic.

The classic issues with Ethernet connectivity tend to revolve around the clocks, the magnetics (ratio, or centre taps), wiring and component issues.

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Posted on April 04, 2013 at 19:57

Hello clive, I am trouble shooting ethernet connectivity of a board designed with STM32F207 and DP83848 PHY in RMII mode the conncetion circuit is similar to the STM3220G-EVAL board using external 50Mhz clock.

This is my first project working with ethernet so I am kind of new to the ethernet stuff. The problem is I am not able to connect to ethernet. I did a little debug by reading the PHY registers and  the False Carrier Sense counter, in FCSCR of PHY is reading 0xFF. The counter is set to zero during init with cable unplugged but as soon as I plug the ethernet cable the counter goes to 0xFF. Any hints will be greatly appreciated.