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STM32F series - USB Peripheral Requirements - Communicate With Windows Application

Matt Roybal
Associate II

Hello, I am wanting to build a project that consists a STM32 "F" or "L" series MCU, and I want to use the USB Peripheral from within STM32CubeMX. I want to create a windows application using Microsoft Visual Studios (C#), and have communication back and forth between the STM32 MCU and the windows application.

These are my specific questions regarding this:

  1. It looks like any F or L series is capable of this, and has the USB Peripheral available via STM32CubeMX is that right?
  2. Are there any hardware requirements to make the USB Peripheral work? I'm guessing I need to use a precise external clock, but I cannot find specific information on this application. Or will the internal clock work for this?
  3. The USB Peripheral will allow the STM32 to show up as a virtual USB com port, e.g. under device manager it should show up under "Ports" as "USB Serial Device (COMX)". Do you know how to have a custom name for this?

Thanks and any help or advice is greatly appreciated!

Matt Roybal
Associate II

I never got a response for this so figured I would check back. Does anyone know?

The USB spec for 12 Mbps is to have a clock source +/-0.25%, so yes really want a crystal

Wiring shown in Data Sheet appendix as I recall,and many schematics for the reference board to look over.

You can change the Descriptors your device reports.

In Windows you'll have to play with the .INF files and drivers, perhaps signing and testing issues there. Should be able to fish descriptor related naming from the registry.

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