2013-12-13 2:25 AM
I'm working with STM32F100x microcontroller; I use the factory embedded bootloader to write the flash by USART with a Linux PC forcing the BOOT0 pin at high value.All work fine !I have a question: is it possible modify the embedded bootloader's code? If no, where can i find its source code?Thanks #stm32 #bootloader2013-12-13 3:17 AM
No, I do not think you can change the factory boot loader. It is built into the Embedded processor. It is part of the silicone. It is read only. I cannot comment on whether ST will release the source code. ST have released a number of Application notes on how to interface to the embedded boot code. http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/jp/resource/technical/document/application_note/CD00167594.pdf2013-12-13 4:54 AM
It's in ROM or OTP, so you can't change it to your convenience.
Perhaps you'd do better by clearly stating the problem you seek to resolve? If you don't like how the loader behaves, use it to upload a replacement in RAM, and jump to it. I don't believe ST releases the source, it would likely depend on the type of customer relationship you have. I just generated listings.