2015-12-10 1:58 AM
I would include in my app a button to do the update.
I have found the AN3155 ''USART protocol used in the STM32 bootloader'' about writing the Master bootloader, but I want to know if you already have the source code that provides ST. My Microcontroller is STM32L1 series.Thank you #source-code-bootloader2015-12-10 5:49 AM
Look for the ''Flash Loader Demonstrator'' application. Other open source projects also exist.
2016-02-16 6:59 AM
There is only a .dll but not source code.
You know other.2016-02-16 8:16 AM
Haven't looked it over in a while, but I have
C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\Software\Flash Loader Demonstrator\Src\STMFlashLoader\STMFlashLoader.cppI've built my own from the protocol documentation.