2022-02-27 3:43 PM
2022-02-27 3:48 PM
I've tried flashing the unmodified app onto a STM32F479 on a custom PCB (not an eval board) via J-Flash lite using the .bin file under the project's debug folder in the STM32CubeIDE and I don't see any STM com ports enumerating in device manager.
2022-02-27 7:18 PM
F469 and F479 are identical apart from crypto functions, so USB code should work provided your hardware is compatible between devices. Does the code work on STM32F469-EVAL? Do clock initialize correctly? Does your custom board otherwise work?
2022-02-27 7:46 PM
Make sure you have the clocking right for your board, along with pins and HS vs FS USB.
Check HSE_VALUE, that clock starts, and PLL setting are correct, and 48 MHz PLL is at the right frequency.
F479 vs F469 should have identical functionality with regard to USB
2022-02-28 1:54 PM
Thank for your response! I changed my HSE_VALUE to match that of my external Oscillator( OSC_IN/OSC_OUT right?). Because of how the MCU is broken out onto my PCB, my USB interfacing has to be conducted over pins PB14 and PB15 which means I have to use the HS. Do I still need to worry about PLL configuration? What did you mean by clock starts, are there additional _init functions I should be calling in main? Are there additional components required for using HS vs FS?
2022-02-28 1:57 PM
Thanks for the response! Unfortunately I don't have an Eval board to work with. Yes, the custom board is otherwise functional. I don't know what all I have to do make sure the clock is initialized correctly other than set the HSE_VALUE to the frequency of my external oscillator.
2022-02-28 2:07 PM
Also, I shouldn't need STM's Virtual Com Port app if I'm on Windows 10/11 right?