2016-09-01 09:33 AM
I start to work with the Nucleo Platform. I have several Nucleos and can program them with System Workbench for STM32, no problem. But when I connect the USB cable to either a USB power pack or a PC that has not installed the ST-Link drivers, my program in flash won't run. Device is obviously powered, the red LED LD1 flashes slowly, but my program won't start. As soon as I connect the board to a PC with the ST-Link driver installed, my program starts running again, so obviously it is still in flash. Is this the expected behaviour? Is there anything I can do about this? I wanted to use the system for a technical demonstration but am not able to connect it to the development PC all the time. Best regards Harald #nucleo #usb-power2016-09-01 11:48 AM
This sounds like an issue that was seen with older ST-LINK firmwares used on NUCLEO and DISCO boards, get the current ST-LINK Utilities, and have it update the ST-LINKs you are using.
2016-09-01 04:03 PM
that was it!