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Recommended STM32 for 10/100 Ethernet (in stock)

Associate II

Hi. I'm very familiar with STM32F1/STM32F3/STM32F4 families. I need to support 10/100 Ethernet for my project, but none I can't find any micro in stock (Mouser, Digikey) from the families I mentioned that supports Ethernet. Do you have any other recommendations for me?




There is a global semi-conductor/supply chain shortage. Retail distributors are unlikely to be holding any free stock any time soon.

For proof-of-concept stuff, perhaps look at NUCLEO-144 boards, or DISCO boards.

Pick a part you're comfortable designing with and programming, and get an order on the books now so you can get parts when they are available.

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Associate II

Hello ADosa, your question is lacking too many details about what you need and what you expect to use.

Official distributor in the past had some f4x9 or f4x7 fine pitch BGA in stock, now just nothing is in stock(nor large nor Small). If you point to PQFP then no official distributor has stock before 3rd Quarter of 2022.

You can find something browsing web but price are comparable to thick golden plated parts. What package are you planning to use?

In general I fully agree with Tesla DeLorean, develop code then port to your hardware (on future).

I bought some part from Mouser a long time ago and collected other from china seller. Tested latest seems work but don't get confidence on it is a nightmare and losing money and time is a rule.

Muhammed Güler
Senior III

I bought 100 nucleo-h753zi for ethernet communication. i will disassemble the mcu and solder it to my own board. mouser has nucleo card stock if you're as desperate as I am, you might consider it.

Haha, yes, probably the only way to get some good MCUs now a days.

Yep, looks like they're all gone. The requirements are very standard, 1x 10/100 Ethernet, 1xUART, 1xSPI, 1xI2C, timers, etc. If I can find an MCU that has Ethernet, it will surely have the rest. The package does not matter, I'll even settle for a BGA if I can find one.


Probably the best way forward. I wish there's a way to see where you are in the queue and projected times...

Hello ADosa, your requirement are generic so every part can fit.

Just one more question about UART, you said be confident on F4xx so suppose don't need 485 mode otherwise you must choose for F7xx or H7xx.

I bought 3 pcs stm32f407 from link after text, 2 out of 3 worked fine, one was unusable due to bad packaging. The one damaged has pin bent and slanted by transport. Seller attached them on a simple thick paper card with a scotch slice.

Ask for good handling, I was lucky but I cannot guarantee nothing other than July samples worked. Price raised from 29.46 to actual 46.74€.

Evaluate H7xx series too.

About Ethernet trouble come also from PHY chip, try collect before start, I own lan8742A I bought in time. I am locked to a switch is promised deliver February 14.

In general in case of small number it is better use a board like this one is in great stock (Warning can last in a minute)

ST forbid use board as production but these day not so many solution are at hand.

Take great care also about IP Stack issues on software, getting Ethernet working is not a simple task, check forum.

Best regards

I would have not thought of Aliexpress. But, looks like a decent option. Hopefully the parts are not counterfeit for that price :).


Have you considered any available STM32 with external ethernet chip (SPI...) ?