2024-10-15 12:30 AM
I have a question regarding the tutorial "Handling multiple TCP clients on STM32H563 with NetX Duo" written by @STea .
In the first section "handling multilple clients on the same port", there is some example code. In the function
static VOID tcp_thread_entry(ULONG thread_input)
there is an infinite loop, containing a tx_queue_receive call:
/* Receive pointers to TCP socket and network packet from TCP callback */ ULONG msg[2]; status = tx_queue_receive(&g_tcp_q, msg, TX_WAIT_FOREVER);
At the moment I try to create an application based on this tutorial. Apparently, the tx_queue_receive fails (returns TX_QUEUE_ERROR) which makes sense, since no one sends data into the queue "g_tcp_q". At which point should this happen? I can't find it in the example code.
Furthermore, the tutorial states "You can find attached the file app_netxduo++clients_same_port.c that you can replace in this project to test this use case.". I can't find it.
2024-10-15 1:05 AM
Hello @SiSte ,
the queue receives message from the receive callback
here is the section where it gets messages published to thread app
static void g_tcp_sck_receive_cb(NX_TCP_SOCKET * p_sck)
NX_PACKET * p_packet;
/* This callback is invoked when data is already received. Retrieving
* packet with no suspension. */
nx_tcp_socket_receive(p_sck, &p_packet, NX_NO_WAIT);
ULONG ip, client_port;
nx_tcp_socket_peer_info_get(p_sck, &ip, &client_port);
printf("[TCP %x] Incoming packet (%lu bytes) from %lu.%lu.%lu.%lu:%lu\n\r",
p_sck, p_packet->nx_packet_length, (ip >> 24) & 0xFF,
(ip >> 16) & 0xFF, (ip >> 8) & 0xFF, (ip) & 0xFF, client_port);
/* Send packet back on the same TCP socket */
nx_tcp_socket_send(p_sck, p_packet, NX_NO_WAIT);
ULONG msg[2] =
(ULONG) p_sck, (ULONG) p_packet
/* Sent TCP socket and packet pointers to user thread */
if (TX_SUCCESS != tx_queue_send(&g_tcp_q, msg, TX_NO_WAIT))
and you are right the attached are missing from the article sorry for the inconvenience and here is the file attached.
2024-10-15 1:45 AM
Thanks for your fast reply. Regarding the TX_QUEUE g_tcp_q:
As far as I understand ThreadX, it is required to call "tx_queue_create()" before calling send or receive on the queue.
I can't see this call in our code, might this be the reason for getting a TX_QUEUE_ERROR returned from tx_queue_receive()?