2021-01-26 01:24 PM
I am trying to get my head around LwIP stack. I am following document "Getting Started with Ethernet on the STM32 Nucleo" by Daniel W Rickey. In Server side includes (SSI) example everything works fine only when I try to access my website by entering IP of my microcontroller (""). When I try to access it by entering "" (or any other website) page is loaded but SSIs on website are not displayed (SSIHandler is not called when apparently it should be called). I am using NUCLEO-F767ZI development board but I guess it does not matter. LwIP version 2.1.2.
Any advice appreciated.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-01-27 03:19 AM
In default file "/" case, tag_check evaluation made by file extension only.
For files from URIs "/file.ext" ,
in static files tag_check evaluation made from FS_FILE_FLAGS_SSI inside the file and if LWIP_HTTPD_SSI_BY_FILE_EXTENSION==1 , tag_check evaluationmade by file extension . (or)
So for dynamic files , suggest LWIP_HTTPD_SSI_BY_FILE_EXTENSION set as 1, to evaluate tag check by file extension .
2021-01-26 03:32 PM
is SSI handler registered when starting HTTPD?
const char* TAGS[]={"tmp","vbat","vcc","freq","ipaddrp","ipaddrl"};
const unsigned short num_tags=sizeof(TAGS)/sizeof(const char*);
http_set_ssi_handler(SSI_Handler, TAGS, num_tags);//set callbacks for SSI array
2021-01-26 10:54 PM
Thanks for answer. Yes I got it defined :
char const *theSSItags[2] = {"tag1","tag2"};
http_set_ssi_handler(mySSIHandler, (char const **)theSSItags, 2);
Also I have added #define LWIP_HTTPD_SSI 1 in lwipopts.h. As I said it works when just IP is entered in the browser. I don't understand why SSIs don't not work when I enter full website address.
My SSI handler:
u16_t mySSIHandler(int iIndex, char *pcInsert, int iInsertLen)
//debug start
extern char GUI_buffer[200];
snprintf(GUI_buffer, sizeof(GUI_buffer), "mySSIHandler called");
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3, (unsigned char*)&GUI_buffer , strlen(GUI_buffer) + 1, 200);
//debug end
// see which tag in the array theSSItags to handle
if (iIndex == 0) //is “tag1�?
char myStr1[] = "Hello from Tag #1!"; //string to be displayed on web page
//copy the string to be displayed to pcInsert
strcpy(pcInsert, myStr1);
//return number of characters that need to be inserted in html
return strlen(myStr1);
else if (iIndex == 1) //is “tag2�?
char myStr2[] = "Hello from Tag #2!"; //string to be displayed on web page
//copy string to be displayed
strcpy(pcInsert, myStr2);
//return number of characters that need to be inserted in html
return strlen(myStr2);
return 0;
} //mySSIHandler
2021-01-27 03:19 AM
In default file "/" case, tag_check evaluation made by file extension only.
For files from URIs "/file.ext" ,
in static files tag_check evaluation made from FS_FILE_FLAGS_SSI inside the file and if LWIP_HTTPD_SSI_BY_FILE_EXTENSION==1 , tag_check evaluationmade by file extension . (or)
So for dynamic files , suggest LWIP_HTTPD_SSI_BY_FILE_EXTENSION set as 1, to evaluate tag check by file extension .
2021-01-27 08:45 AM
It works now!
Thank you!