2016-01-21 6:50 AM
Hello all,
I need your help as i am working on a MCU STM32f439ZI and IAR IDE 7.40,and working on a USB OTG boot loader downloaded from below link.''https://github.com/mechoid9/STM32F4/tree/master/STM32F4-Discovery_FW_V1.1.0/Project/FW_upgrade''i have tested this boot loader with STM32F407 discovery board which is working perfectly fine.but this same boot loader is not work with my custom board,From the schematic of discovery board it can be seen that PA9 pin is needed for VBUS supply,which is being trigger by PC0 using switching mechanism.Now in my case the PA9 pin is connected with other interface and i amusing external (5 v) supply (using PC and made common ground with mycustom board) also ID pin is not connected anywhere.I also refereed the datasheets and tried to with OTG_FS_GCCFG 's ''NOVBUSSENS'' bit but it dose not recognize the USB connect/disconnecteven i tried to remove those functionalities (
events)as i found that connection/disconnected event can be recognized by VBUS's status, but though it dose not functioning .
So now my quires are as per below,1) Do i compulsorily need to have a switch connected to supply VBUS from PA0/PB13 (as per data sheet) ?2) Is NOVBUSSENS work in this scenario or is there any other way to function this above boot loader without PA9 and VBUS connection ?3) If above is true then is there any guidance or document available ?Please let me know if i can provide more details.Any help on this would be great appreciable.Thanks & Regards,RUTVIJ. #stm32f4 #vbus #usbdfubootloader2016-01-22 9:07 PM
2016-12-19 3:51 AM
Hi Rutvij,
Did you solve this?
I'm struggling with the same issue now. I don't have the VBUS and ID signals only DATA+/-.
2016-12-19 8:57 AM
WOW that's an OLD thread....
Anyway -
See response to Thomas's other thread. Also note the Vbus sense is an ADDITIONAL FUNCTION and not an ALTERNATE function in the.
AND If you are going to use VBUS sense (which you may wish you HAD after this) you have to remap the OTHER FUNCTIONS that PA9 might be able to support to another pin. And some of those MIGHT NOT be remappable. (Timer maybe. UART is remappable on an L4. Check your data sheet)
PA9 seems to be the only BUILT IN pin that will do that for you unless using another pin, some resistor dividers and a discrete or analog method to sense the 5VDC from the HOST connection might be doable.