2019-11-21 10:42 PM
I have done this:
1) created a file using fatfs on flash open and read ,it is working.
2) created a usb interface configured as msc device,when plugged into pc, new drive gets created, however it asks to format it. I have added only
read functionality of flash to this:
STORAGE_Read_FS(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t blk_addr, uint16_t blk_len) . not added write functionality.
USBD_Init(&hUsbDeviceFS, &FS_Desc, DEVICE_FS);
USBD_RegisterClass(&hUsbDeviceFS, &USBD_MSC);
if( FATFS_LinkDriver(&USER_Driver, USERPath)== 0)
/*##-2- Init the SD Card #################################################*/
res = f_mkfs(USERPath, FM_ANY, 0, workBuffer, 4096);
if (res != FR_OK)
the usb does not detect the file stm32.txt created , fs_fileoperation also fails .
what is wrong ,thanks in advance.
2019-11-22 02:26 AM
I wouldn't try to access them both concurrently, but yes a correctly built MSC device should be able to access a FatFs created volume on a PC.
The MSC would need to report the capacity and block size used.
2019-11-25 03:42 AM
Hi, i am not able to format the flash below is the code :
int8_t STORAGE_Read_FS(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t blk_addr, uint16_t blk_len)
uint32_t add_blk = 0;
add_blk = blk_addr;
uint32_t a0 = 0;
uint32_t a1 = 0;
a0 = add_blk * 512;
a1 = blk_len * 1;
return (USBD_OK);
int8_t STORAGE_Write_FS(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t blk_addr, uint16_t blk_len)
uint8_t temp_b0[512] ={0};
uint8_t temp_b1[512] ={0};
uint8_t temp_b2[512] ={0};
uint8_t temp_b3[512] ={0};
uint8_t temp_b4[512] ={0};
uint8_t temp_b5[512] ={0};
uint8_t temp_b6[512] ={0};
uint8_t temp_b7[512] ={0};
uint32_t a0 = 0;
uint32_t a1 = 0;
a0 = add_blk * 512;
a1 = blk_len * 1;
uint32_t add_data0 = (a0/4096);
uint32_t add_data1 = add_data0 * 4096;
uint32_t blka = a0;
uint32_t blkc = 0;
if(blka < 512)
blkc = 1;
else if ((blka >= 512)&& (blka < 1024))
blkc = 2;
else if ((blka >= 1024)&& (blka < 1536))
blkc = 3;
else if ((blka >= 1536)&& (blka < 2048))
blkc = 4;
else if ((blka >= 2048)&& (blka < 2560))
blkc = 5;
else if ((blka >= 2560)&& (blka < 3072))
blkc = 6;
else if ((blka >= 3072)&& (blka < 3584))
blkc = 7;
blkc =8;
if(blkc == 1)
SST25Write((a0),(uint8_t *)buf,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+512),(uint8_t *)temp_b1,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+1024),(uint8_t *)temp_b2,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+1536),(uint8_t *)temp_b3,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+2048),(uint8_t *)temp_b4,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+2560),(uint8_t *)temp_b5,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+3072),(uint8_t *)temp_b6,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+3584),(uint8_t *)temp_b7,512);
blkc = 0;
if(blkc == 2)
SST25Write(a0,(uint8_t *)buf,512);
SST25Write((add_data1),(uint8_t *)temp_b0,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+1024),(uint8_t *)temp_b2,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+1536),(uint8_t *)temp_b3,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+2048),(uint8_t *)temp_b4,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+2560),(uint8_t *)temp_b5,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+3072),(uint8_t *)temp_b6,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+3584),(uint8_t *)temp_b7,512);
blkc = 0;
if(blkc == 3)
SST25Write((a0),(uint8_t *)buf,512);
SST25Write((add_data1),(uint8_t *)temp_b0,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+512),(uint8_t *)temp_b1,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+1536),(uint8_t *)temp_b3,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+2048),(uint8_t *)temp_b4,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+2560),(uint8_t *)temp_b5,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+3072),(uint8_t *)temp_b6,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+3584),(uint8_t *)temp_b7,512);
blkc = 0;
if(blkc == 4)
SST25Write((a0),(uint8_t *)buf,512);
SST25Write((add_data1),(uint8_t *)temp_b0,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+512),(uint8_t *)temp_b1,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+1024),(uint8_t *)temp_b2,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+2048),(uint8_t *)temp_b4,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+2560),(uint8_t *)temp_b5,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+3072),(uint8_t *)temp_b6,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+3584),(uint8_t *)temp_b7,512);
blkc = 0;
if(blkc == 5)
SST25Write(a0,(uint8_t *)buf,512);
SST25Write((add_data1),(uint8_t *)temp_b0,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+512),(uint8_t *)temp_b1,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+1024),(uint8_t *)temp_b2,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+1536),(uint8_t *)temp_b3,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+2560),(uint8_t *)temp_b5,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+3072),(uint8_t *)temp_b6,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+3584),(uint8_t *)temp_b7,512);
blkc = 0;
if(blkc == 6)
SST25Write(a0,(uint8_t *)buf,512);
SST25Write((add_data1),(uint8_t *)temp_b0,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+512),(uint8_t *)temp_b1,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+1024),(uint8_t *)temp_b2,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+1536),(uint8_t *)temp_b3,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+2048),(uint8_t *)temp_b4,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+3072),(uint8_t *)temp_b6,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+3584),(uint8_t *)temp_b7,512);
blkc = 0;
if(blkc == 7)
SST25Write(a0,(uint8_t *)buf,512);
SST25Write((add_data1),(uint8_t *)temp_b0,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+512),(uint8_t *)temp_b1,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+1024),(uint8_t *)temp_b2,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+1536),(uint8_t *)temp_b3,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+2048),(uint8_t *)temp_b4,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+2560),(uint8_t *)temp_b5,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+3584),(uint8_t *)temp_b7,512);
blkc = 0;
if(blkc == 8)
SST25Write(a0,(uint8_t *)buf,512);
SST25Write((add_data1),(uint8_t *)temp_b0,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+512),(uint8_t *)temp_b1,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+1024),(uint8_t *)temp_b2,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+1536),(uint8_t *)temp_b3,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+2048),(uint8_t *)temp_b4,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+2560),(uint8_t *)temp_b5,512);
SST25Write((add_data1+3072),(uint8_t *)temp_b6,512);
blkc = 0;
return (USBD_OK);
thanks in advance.
2019-11-25 03:55 AM
That does seem overly complex and convoluted. Is the erase size a sector or a sub-sector?
Can't you tell the systems you're using a 4KB block size.
You have stack space to accommodate this? Using GNU/GCC?
2019-11-25 07:17 PM
Hi thanks for the reply, the erase is the sector size which is 4K minimum for the flash erase operation, i did configure to use 4KB block size allocation but the system fails , it would have been easier if it had worked , hence tried to fix the size to 512 bytes allocation size .Sorry for the above code, didn't use any comments to follow,
what it does is to read ,erase , write a sector for 512 bytes with 4k erase without loosing the subsector data within the sector.Thanks in advance.
2019-11-25 07:21 PM
hi, the
a0 = add_blk * 512;
a1 = blk_len * 1;
a0 is the address to the flash ie add_blk= 1; a0 =512.
a1 is the blk len should this multiplied by 512 else remain the same as above confused . Thanks
2019-11-27 03:33 AM
hi, thanks i was able to make the usb msc work ,created a folder wrote a text file and checked it.