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HI, I have a problem with the example program provided by stmCUBE IDE and my board nucleo-H723ZG, the example program (LwIP_TCP_Echo_Server LwIP TCP Echo Server Application)

Associate II


I have a problem with the example program provided by stmCUBE IDE and my board nucleo-H723ZG, the example program (LwIP_TCP_Echo_Server LwIP TCP Echo Server Application) contains inside a README. txt that explains how to run the example, but it is not very clear, searching online I found a file (from ST) that explains better but it is not clear enough, also in the README.txt is written to install echotool, once done, when I type the command

(At the command prompt, enter:

 C:\>echotool IP_address /p tcp /r 7 /n 15 /t 2 /d Testing LwIP TCP echo server)

to connect from the command prompt, it tells me that it does not recognize the command. Does anyone know how to start this example? 

All the tutorials online are for STM32F7 :(

Thank you very much.


It doesn't recognize echotool, which you just installed? Where did you install it? Is the directory added into the PATH Environment Variable to allow it to be found.

Or it didn't like the command line? IP_address needs substituting for where your fixed IP, or DCHP assigned address is.

The behaviour of echotool should be entirely independent of whatever STM32 is in use.

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Associate II

I try to use putty (with ip and port) and it works, the problem is that in the example is used echoserver to resend the character that the user write in putty, instead i need to save the character in a buffer to manage, have you got ideas or code for this?