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Hard Fault with external memory bootloader STM32H7S3L8H6

Associate II

While trying to implement the stm32h7s_workshop I'm always getting hard faults.


Seems straight forward. I checked to see that the external FLASH verifies against the appli.elf and I made sure to debug with the boot 1st then the appli.

Here's what I see in the CubeProgrammer


Could this be due to an alignment issue? 

The fault comes just at the point where it is going to jump to the appli



ST Employee

Hello @JBias ,

If you followed the workshop steps correctly it is highly unlikely you get into a hardfault please review the steps and check if you have correct MPU configuration or try to compare you generated project with the available example in GitHub of in Cube Firmware package to see what you are missing exactly.

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