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FreeRTOS STM32F2xx port

Posted on November 28, 2012 at 16:01


I'm trying to run FreeRTOS in my STM32F2xx application built with yagarto.

Does anyone have a working reference project for such case?

Actually I manage to build it but is tuck somewhere in scheduler. 

I'm not sure what peripheral initialization is required for scheduler to work?

Posted on November 28, 2012 at 16:33

I have a port in Keil. As far as initialization CMSIS sets up the HSE/PLL, and then I turn on all the GPIO clocks in prvSetupHardware(), along with the NVIC priority, and SysTick configuration. Other Timers and Interrupts are set up elsewhere.

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Posted on November 29, 2012 at 20:29


I've manged to run FreeRTOS in my project.

I had to go over Free RTOS source and look at some STM32F1xx examples.

Bottom line I was missing SysTick configuration and I had to connect 2 interrupt handlers provided by FreeRTOS to SysTick and SVC vectors in startup.s file where vector tables are defined. As one who had written my own OS for AVR I must say that I like the FreeRTOS. It is really a piece of code that worth to look at.


Posted on November 29, 2012 at 20:29


I've manged to run FreeRTOS in my project.

I had to go over Free RTOS source and look at some STM32F1xx examples.

Bottom line I was missing SysTick configuration and I had to connect 2 interrupt handlers provided by FreeRTOS to SysTick and SVC vectors in startup.s file where vector tables are defined. As one who had written my own OS for AVR I must say that I like the FreeRTOS. It is really a piece of code that worth to look at.


Associate III
Posted on December 04, 2012 at 11:56

To answer the original question - FreeRTOS does not itself require any peripheral initialisation. Start by getting a project running that does not use FreeRTOS to ensure your debug configuration, start up file and linker script are ok - then add in the FreeRTOS code and ensure the vector table is populated as per the following links:

(see FAQ #1 on that page)

There are lots of examples that show how to create tasks and start the scheduler from that point.