2013-04-19 12:23 AM
I'm trying to use the DfuSe Demo (v3.0.3) to program the STM32 on an STM3240G-EVAL board. When I click ''Upgrade'' in the tool it works as long as I do not select ''Verify after download'' or click the ''Verify'' button.I'm running 64-bit Windows 7 Proffessional.When I click ''Verify'', the Dfuse Demo application crashes and a ''DfuSe Demo has stopped working'' dialog is displayed with the following detailed information:----------Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: DfuSeDemo.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 4ecd2975 Fault Module Name: StackHash_427e Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.17725 Fault Module Timestamp: 4ec49b8f Exception Code: c0000374 Exception Offset: 000ce6c3 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1053 Additional Information 1: 427e Additional Information 2: 427e33db81e067f5c132bd61e44036e8 Additional Information 3: dfff Additional Information 4: dfff3649a8f15f879c998a2d67599592----------I desperately need to be able to upgrade device firmware over USB.What can I do to make this work?/Mattias #stm32-dfuse-verify2015-06-11 6:48 AM
I also have problems with dfuse on various win7 machines at the office. The only way to make it work was on an old laptop with version v3.0.2. and almost none of the win7 updates installed. On the other machines none of the dfuse versions work.
2015-06-11 8:09 AM
Pretty sure 3.0.2 would work on a fully updated and patched Win7, the later versions of the demo crash because there is a coding error.
2016-05-23 4:25 AM
Was there any conclusion to this?
I am also having what I think is the same problem with DFU on anSTM32F050
STM32F105 (has previously worked fine for me on a 32F407)I've tested both 3.0.3 and 3.0.5 on a fully updated win 7 64bit machine and neither work reliably (crashing on upload/verify). I have found the 3.0.5 dfusedemo *appears* to be ok but the command line does not. Which is unfortunately as I need a command line app! Plus the 3.0.5 dlls appear to have a massive amount of dependencies and will only run on a machine I have visual studio installed on. So, unless I can sort out a clean install package I cannot use them.Clive mentioned 3.0.2 being ok - is there a download source for this? All I can find is the latest version.EDIT: apologies, typo in the device number above - now corrected.2016-05-23 8:23 AM
Clive mentioned 3.0.2 being ok - is there a download source for this?
I also provided a link to a mirror, about half way down the thread.2016-05-23 11:47 AM
ah, you mean in post 6? Thanks for that, I missed that link.
Unfortunately 3.0.2 does not appear to have a command line app? And trying to use the DLLs from 3.0.2 with my own command line app it still fails.To be fair, it is slightly better than 3.03 and 3.0.5. They both failed on an upload. 3.0.2 allows me to do the upload and verify but fails when I do a return.2016-05-23 11:54 AM
btw. I implied in my first post that I could not use the 3.0.5 dlls due to the VC++ dependencies. I have since worked out that installing the VC++ 2013 re-distribution (32 bit) package sorts that out. So if I could find out why the 3.0.5 DfuSeDemo works where the DfuSeCommand doesn't then I might have a chance getting what I need.