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Cortex M0 Bootloader to application jump.


I'm working on Over the Air and I have three components.

Bootloader in first two pages (using stm32f09x)

and applicaiton and then second application.

I'm unable to jump to application from bootloader for a specific reason.

I have one linker script, gave a build (app1) and made some modifications (app2).

How can I jump to application if the second slot application is having an address of reset handler which is pointing in the first location? (And let's say I add the offset of the app1 size, am I sure that the reset handler stays in the exact same location everytime i give a build)?

Help me out here. My master thesis time is running out.

One solution I am implementing is two use two binary images and upload to the cloud but i think this is a patchy idea, I was something solid if you have one.

Thanks in advance.


f0 doesnt have a vector table offset, you need to do it yourself, at the beginning of each app the first thing you should do is realocate your vector table to RAM.

>>My master thesis time is running out.

If you need some help with this hit me up

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