‎2019-07-07 7:33 AM
Hi, there! :)
I've just downloaded the STM32H747I-DISCO MB1248 board design files
I found that the schematics is an Altium Designer Project, but layout is an Allegro brd file.
Is there any reason for doing this?
Why not just like STM32MP1's design file, routed with altium designer?
I am really curious!
thx for reading!
‎2020-06-06 11:48 AM
Hi Zt,
I would also like an official answer to this question.
I believe the schematics are designed in-house and then the board layout is done externally. My guess is the external design house takes the Altium files, but use Allegro as their package of choice for PCB layout.
It's not ideal because it slows down development having to create a new board design from scratch.