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Unable to get data from IIS2ICLX.



I have a P-NUCLEO-WB55-NUCLEO attached to a X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1 attached to a STEVAL-MKI209V1K. I am trying to measure tilt using the some of the same hardware as shown in this ST video.


When I run my application (which I have attached to this post). I do not get see any data in the Unicleo GUI when i tilt the STEVAL-MKI209V1K. However, if I tilt the  X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1, I do see data. I tried switching the SA0 to GND, in that case I do not get any data whatsoever, not even from the X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1.

I think the I2C address is not configured correctly and may need some hardware configuration as shown in section 2.3 of this ST User Manual. I am hardware n00b and not sure what exactly I have to do with the solder bridges to make it work. I would appreciate it very much if you can help me with the same.

I also tried a simple experiment where I left the DIL24 socket on but disconnected the cable from the DIL24 socket to the board with the IIS2ICLX. The code in custom_motion_sensors.c at line 625 still detects the component with the ID 0x6B. That is unexpected!  Is this because the ISM330DHCX on the IKS02A1 shares the same I2C address and device ID as IIS2ICLX?
