2019-10-27 01:25 PM
I need a small size Nucleo board that can handle datatype double. I have seen that Nucleo 144 can handle doubles, but can Nucleo 64 boards handle datatype double as well?
Double precision FPU to be precise.
2019-10-27 05:11 PM
FPU-D found in F767, H743 and H745
If you need small, consider a Flight Controller board. H750?
All the STM32 can do double math, just in software, the ARM FPU-D isn't as exotic as the Intel/Motorola parts of yore, still needs some sw to do transcendentals.
2019-10-27 11:55 PM
> I need a small size Nucleo board that can handle datatype double.
Basically, every Cortex M MCU can handle the double data type - with proper emulation code that comes with the toolchain.
Some bigger one's - as Clive Two.Zero suggested, have an FPU supporting double directly. But no trigonometric functions.
2019-10-28 06:32 AM
2019-10-28 08:54 AM