2012-04-22 7:29 PM
Hi All,
I've been playing with a project on STM32VLDISCOVERY board for a while, and I'm trying to move it off eval board. I wanted to start slow, so I ordered ahttp://www.proto-advantage.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=2200113
with the soldered to it. Using IAR Workbench and the Discovery as SWD Programmer, I get error whenever i try to connect saying ''Fatal error: Failed to read CPUID for cortex device''. Anybody know what this means? If I try to program the Discovery board directly it works fine. Pins 19,32,48,64 connected to 3.3V Pins 18,31,47,63 connect to GND Pin 49 connected to SWCLK Pin 46 connected to SWDIO What am I missing? Not even sure how to start debugging that error message? Are there any examples of a very basic circuit that will just allow debugging? I'm hoping to avoid external clock. Is that possible? #stm32-stlink-stm32vldiscovery2012-04-22 8:39 PM
1. Do you have right MCU selection in IAR Workspace ?
2. Check XTAL/Clock and Power signals. 3. Try to reset the Option bytes by running JLinkSTM32.exe from C:\Program Files\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 6.30\arm\bin2012-04-23 12:03 AM
Are your leads too long ?
I can't see how your connection to the discovery board looks like. Or, could you tune down JTAG/SWD clocking frequency ?2012-04-23 6:11 PM
Thanks for the input. Turns out I didn't have the VDDA and the VSSA pins connected to PWR and GND respectively. I made a circuit diagram of the minimum required connections for debug in case anybody is interested.
________________ Attachments : MinimumCircuitForDebug.JPG : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I1F4&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bkA%2FSrdvb0nDPzcPg3Ak1eV7RCCVfmU06YGQCVq6BIQqmDA&asPdf=false