2017-06-08 8:33 AM
hi, fellows!
I have some questions about ST-Link, especially those on Nucleo boards.
First, I often use the on board st-link link to debug/program some other custom boards, it works fine.
But someday, I'd noticed that the debugger's AIN_1(target VCC) is never really connected to the MCU VCC
of the application board, for R9 is not lying there. See below:
From the UM1075 User manual of ST-Link, it says:
The power supply from the application board is connected to the ST-LINK/V2 debugging and programming board to ensure signal compatibility between both boards.
So is this really unnecessary? (For me, the debugger/programmer works fine so far.)
Or is this risky for some reason?
I really need to know about this!
For we are making a project with the whole nucleo board as a part,
with st-link on it.
And I've already removed R23 for saving power.
See below:
Thanks for reading the post!
#debugger #st-link #programmer #nucleo2017-06-08 11:00 AM
The stand-alone ST-LINK has buffers so that the debugger and the target board can run at different voltages. The NUCLEO/DISCO boards don't have these buffers, and just use/assume the use of 3.0V or 3.3V signalling.
Most of the pins are 5V tolerant, and the VIL/VIH vs VOL/VOH provide a lot of leeway.
The idea would be to avoid back-feeding current into a processor via the GPIO pins and skewing the current measurements.
If the target STM32 were running at 1.25V I'd probably want the buffers
2017-06-08 6:14 PM
Thanks Clive, as always!
So since my target MCU is running at 3.0/3.3V, there is a lot of leeway.
Guess I can sleep well with the target VCC pin left open!
2017-06-09 4:15 AM
For the STLink on Nucleo and Disco boards, nearly _none_ of the pins used is 5-Volt tolerant! So if you only power the target and not the stlink, the stlink will mostly be back-powered by some pin and target current will increase substantial!
2017-06-09 4:36 AM
the stlink will mostly be back-powered by some pin and target current will increase substantial!
It's true, and I'd discovered that :
Even the target MCU is in stop mode, the WHOLE Nucleo board is sinking almost 2mA!
This almost drives me mad, so I disconnect to Vcc Target, Rest pin, and took off LD3 too.
Now the whole board, in stop mode, only takes around 20uA with rtc on.
2017-06-09 1:54 PM
nearly _none_ of the pins used is 5-Volt tolerant!
I see where you're going with that, the F1 host side is problematic. The target side (SWDIO, SWCLK, SWO) all the parts I looked at are FT pins