2016-02-24 12:49 AM
Hello Forum,
regarding the AN4488, Chapter 3.2.2 I do not understand why the capacitor at pin 30 is necessary. The STM32F4 as well as the STM32F1 have a ''normal'' gpio there.Thanks in advance!Klaus #hardware2016-02-24 5:55 AM
Hi Klaus,
The Pin 30 in LQFP64 package is a GPIO for STM32F1 family but it is a VCAP pin for STM32F4 family for this reason an external ceramic capacitor should be connected on it. Check for example the STM32F401 datasheet.-Syrine-2016-02-25 7:20 AM
I use the STM32F405RG and there the Pin 30 is just a normal GPIO (cf. http://www.st.com/web/en/resource/technical/document/datasheet/DM00037051.pdf, page 51)
Best regardsKlaus