2018-12-10 1:37 PM
I am currently designing a PCB that will control a single motor using the STSPIN840 (X-NUCLEO-IHM15A1 Shield). The datasheet is pretty good about explaining how to connect things if you want to run the outputs in parallel mode but it neglets to tell you how to connect the VREFA and VREFB pins. It does show how to connect "VREF" however. Does this mean that the VREFA and VREFB pins should be connected to eachother like many of the other pins are in this configuration? Or is the VREFB pin connected in another way?
2019-01-04 7:26 AM
Got in touch with ST motor driver group about this and they said the VREFB pin can be connected to ground as it is disabled and the VREFA pin is the only one the STSpin840 uses.