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Using AET-MOT-2DC70s1



not sure if this is the right section, but:

I have been given an AET-MOT-2DC70S1 motor controller board ( and I'm trying to work out how to get it going. Starting simple trying to get one motor going, I can see that I need to connect the IN_A_1, IN_B_1, PWM_1 lines on JP1

I've also connected the +5v and GND lines. I've been trying to use a raspberry Pi to take the lines High/Low and use the PWM. However I'm not getting anywhere - I can get the motor turning one way if I take IN_B_1 high but not under other circumstances. 

Also the documentation shows various modes of operation but two of them (see fig4 an12 in the documentation) have the same combinations of H/L on the inputs but produce different results. How do I get started with this device and work out how to control the motors?