2005-05-31 2:15 AM
ST7MC2 MPAR Register in direct access mode
2011-05-17 1:18 AM
What is the MPAR register used for if DAC=1, DTE=0, PCN=0 ? i.e.
Motor controller in direct access mode, only PWM U signal connected to channel manager, dead time generator disabled ! I just want to control a brushed DC motor (only one direction includind brake) with outputs MC00 (Low side) and MC01 (Highside for braking) Regards, Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Pelikan [ This message was edited by: niob on 31-05-2005 10:07 ]2011-05-17 1:18 AM
in this configuration MPAR is used to set MCO0 and MCO1 as 'High' or 'Low' channels. Then, using the bit OS0 (MCRB register) one can decide where to apply the PWM (on Low or High channel). Please, take care that, as DTE=0, complementary PWM outputs are not allowed. You can find more details on the datasheet, with particular reference to tables nn. 64 and 75. Best regards, Tanio