2013-07-13 4:41 PM
Hi, as I couldn´t get any ifn003v1 board, I bought an EVAL6230QR with an stm32f4discovery, and I´m trying to get them work together with the ST FOC library the ST MC Workbench and a MAXXON motor (EC-max 283833).
I´m trying to run the demo code, the one that starts and stops the motor repeatedly. But it turns out that it resets because of a fault. by debugging I could find that the error is defined as MC_SPEED_FDBK, and I was trying to find out why.
Is the St MC workbench set wrong? I´m wiring something wrong? I will appreciate any help to set the parameters correctly. Thanks in advance,Best Regards
2013-07-15 12:32 AM
It was an unhappy choose to start the evaluation of a new motor with an hardware that is not consolidated since we don't know from where the issues can arise. Anyhow if you was able to start to move the motor using the discovery and the EVAL we are at good stage but from your description I suspect that no current flows into the motor at all. First of all it's necessary to check if all control signals are generated correctly. In this case the three PWM signals and the three enabling signals. Please take a look at this post ([DEAD LINK /public/STe2ecommunities/motordriver_ics/Lists/Motor%20Control%20Firmware%20and%20Software/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=/public/STe2ecommunities/motordriver_ics/Lists/Motor%20Control%20Firmware%20and%20Software/L6234%20%2b%20STM32F4%20%2b%20MC%20%2b%20STM32%20PMSM%20FOC%20LIB%203.2&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D758000CE106710FFA6574FB92BFFEFCE2DD930&TopicsView=https://my.st.com/public/STe2ecommunities/motordriver_ics/Lists/Motor%2520Control%2520Firmware%2520and%2520Software/AllItems.aspx¤tviews=478]link) where we discussed about this problem. You have to use a FW version that is 3.2 or above to have the logic to drive the thee enabling signals embeded in the code, and you have to enable it manually as descripted in the previous link (you have to use any three GPIOs free on the discovery as enabling signals). Moreover starting from the 3.2 the STM32F4xx is supported by the MC lib. After that we can see how to procede. Ciao Gigi