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Phase current isn't precise at different speed


Hi all,

I am using STM32F303RE + IHM08M1 to do a bike project (250W/36V motor).

When the motor ramp up, I found the current will output very low and become higher according to speed.

I connected a current meter between battery and the board, I found the following situation.

Set max current to 10A and use speed ramp control.

It uses only 3A below 10KM/h, 5A at 10+KM/h, and 8A+ if speed over 20KM/h.

As I know, far from target speed should set higher Iq Ref.

By checking the phase current calculated by MC_GetIqdMotor1(), I found it almost the same as reference current 10A.

That means the output PWM will become lower due to current exceed current ref.

Is this situation normal and what causes this problem?

Could any body give me some suggestions or directions?

Thank you all.