2004-11-15 2:47 AM
2011-05-17 1:17 AM
I wish understand something more on Mces port in the ST72141. the utility of this port is only to get a low level from driver (es. diag signal from the L6386) ? when we get this low level on Mces happens: Moe bit reset output Mco0-Mco5 put in Hiz interrupt EI if set EIM ? this setting depend even on the Mces level ? I mean, when the Mces level return high again, the Moe bit will be set, and the output abilitate directly? regards thank you for help Claudio2011-05-17 1:17 AM
Ciao Claudio,
effectively when an MCES event occurs the MOE bit is put to zero causing all the actions you listed. But, even if the MCES pin goes high again (normal operating mode), you have to write the MOE bit to 1 if you want to enable your micro output. In other words the MOE bit is not linked directly to the MCES pin. I hope this helps you. With my best regards, Tanio