2014-10-30 2:06 PM
The document AN1089 CONTROL LOOP MODELING OF L6561-BASED TM PFC by Claudio Adragna says:
''As a tool to ease the design of L6561�s E/A compensation networks in TM boost PFC preregulators, the Appendix contains a Mathcad� file gathering the theory above illustrated and performing all the necessary calculations'' Is the actual MathCad file available for download anywhere or do I have to recreate it myself from the printout? #l6561-l65622014-11-05 11:36 AM
I've tried copying from the printout but it doesn't work.
For C3:=10^6/(2*pi*R12*p*z) , I get 0.154 second-farads, while their mathcad thing says 2.271e3 nF. Ignoring the units and orders of magnitude, how do they get 2.27?? 10^6/(2*pi*300*0.23*15) = 153.773 I don't understand.