2014-05-22 8:52 AM
I tried to poistioning my motor with the SPI command GoTo_DIR(DIR,ABS_POS). But then the motor turns a long time. So i run the command GetAbsPos, drive one step and run the command again. I wonder that one step changes the AbsPos value over 100.000 (I tried with full-step and 128-uStep). How can I understand the value from the AbsPos-register? #l6470-abs_pos2014-05-26 1:43 AM
the ABS_POS register is a counter storing the munber of microsteps performed by the IC; it is increased at each forward step and decreased at reverse steps. When you send a GoToDIR command you impose both the direction and the final position of the motion, so if you send for example a GoTo(REV, 100000) command when the absolute position is 0 the sistem will perform an high number of steps before stop. Reagdrs Enrico