2016-08-01 1:00 PM
With Atmega regular hardware SPI, data transfer is 8-bit. Hence, when asserting commands, followed by receiving/transmitting data from/to STLED, each transmission will look like 2 8-bit packets separated by hi-level on STB line. Will it interrupt read/write procedure, or hi-level on STB is OK between command sent and data received packets? or transmission should look like 16-bit transmission for correct data interchange? in this case PIO is only option I can use #atmega #pio #spi #stled3162016-08-01 2:48 PM
please, explain how user is intended to interprete RAM table on page 24 of STLED316 datasheet? what kind of idiot had composed it? datasheet is completely contradictory, incomplete and mindblowing. it has no data transmit examples, no LED connection guide, MSB and LSB order is different on different diagrams! initial values of brightness on one hand means minimum LED brightness, while in other place in datasheet it means max... is there confident refference with wiring and timing diagrams, code examples, anything apprehensive?