2015-10-12 11:29 AM
I need to support a 2-wire 500W dimmer instead of just a 300W dimmer at 110VAC 60Hz US.
What are the power limiting components of the ST Dev Kit? The 2 1N5404 diodes are only rated for 3A which would be 360W. Is this the limiting component? Can I instead use something likehttp://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/S5GC-13-F/S5GC-FDICT-ND/765461
which is a 5A 400V diode or even a 200V diode since I don't need to support 240VAC (this is a US only product). Thanks in advance... Eric2016-01-13 12:34 AM
Apologies, but I cannot answer your question but I am interested in your feedback on the performance of the development board in its standard form.Does it perform well?Thanks,Neil2016-12-01 2:22 AM
Hello Eric,
I think that my answer comes too late, but it can help other people...The limiting point is the withstanding level of diodes in term of overcurrent during surge event, i.e. a 8/20 us current waveform, as described by the IEC61000-4-5 standard (cf user manual UM1597, paragraph 2.8).Then be sure that your diode is withstanding your application surge requirement.Sure, additionnally, keep the diodes junction temperature below their max temperature.Same for the SCRs sure, the heatsink is designed for a 300 W / 120 V application.You can also use a stronger SCR, as the TS1220-600T, in TO220 but non-insulated.Hope it will help.Best RegardsBenoit