2006-05-11 2:35 AM
2011-05-17 1:13 AM
hello everyone,
I am coming up against two problems when I use AK-ST7FMC MOTOR CONTROL START KIT to control a BLDC in sensor mode.I am looking forward to your generous help. 1. I don't understand why does it need delay coefficient in the LIBRARY(BLDC sensor/mtc.c/void MTC_C_D_IT(void)),such as Rising and Falling Bemf.I think he delay coefficient parameter is set to 0/256 in Sensor mode because sensor signals can frequently be assimilated to commutation signals. 2. When the motor ran in sensor mode,do we need to read Bemf either on odd or on even channel? (BLDC sensor/mtc.c/void MTC_C_D_IT(void)) Thanks for you help!2011-05-17 1:13 AM
Hello Aiwa,
answering to question #1: theoretically, it is as you say; but, sometimes, you could need to count some delay before next commutation to occur and, some other times, the position of the hall sensor(s) is not located at a fix well-defined position. So, why don't provide this possibility for the maximum flexibility? Answering to question #2: if you use sensors, you don't need to read the BEMF for providing commutation sequence. So, no need to know where applying PWM signals... Best regards, Tanio2011-05-17 1:13 AM
Hello Tanio,
Thank you for you reply! Best regards, Aiwa