2018-08-21 7:01 AM
First of all I'm quite new and not really familiar with the STM products.
I want to control a BLDC motor (Turnigy Multistar 4225-390Kv 16Pole) with the Steval-spin3201.
When I connect the ST MotorControl Workbench with the eval-board and press "start motor" or "user button 1" the status changes from idle to FOC duration.
My approach is listed below:
1) Connect all needed cables
2) Supply voltage setup
3) Connect eval-board with USB-cable to the PC
4) Start MotorControl Workbench
5) Setup moror parameters (poles ...) and choose eval-spin3201 board
6) Lower the PWM frequency to 8000Hz
7) Generate Project (Toolchain: ST SW4 STM32; with HAL)
8) Start System Workbench for STM32
9) Open the projects (STSPIN32F0_MC Library and STSPIN32F0_UserProject)
10) Build All and debug as it is discrebed in the user manual
11) Open Monitor in ST MC WB
12) Connect to the eval-board with the right port and baudrate
-Status is "IDLE"
13) Start Motor
-Status is "FOC duration"
I checked two phases with my oszi and received this kind of signal when I hit the start button. At the moment I'm not sure where the problem is.
Many thanks in advance!
PS: I used the user manual "Getting started with the STSPIN32F0 FOC firmware example
STSW-SPIN3201" UM2152