2019-10-22 4:07 PM
In my application, I'd like to control the position of the motor shaft instead of the speed, since I have more than one motor and I want them to move in phase (they are connected and controlled by CAN). I saw this board has the possibility to add hall sensors. Initially, I thought the 3 inputs were used to connect an analog position hall sensor, the kind which using a magnet attached to the shaft gives 3 sines shifted 120º. But then I saw the 3 inputs are connected to PB6, PB7 and PB8, without analog capabilities, so I guess the hall effect sensor are just the ON/OFF type. The problem is I need a finest position regulation close to zero speed. Is the firmware ready to control such approach?
I was thinking about using an A1330, which has a PWM output proportional to the shaft angle, and a very good resolution (12 bit over the 360 degrees). So, using the Timer in capture mode, I could get the shaft position.
Thank you,