2008-04-19 12:08 AM
2008-03-26 2:52 AM
I try to write in the flash bank 1 with the ST library functions:
EIC_IRQConfig(DISABLE); FLASH_Init(); FLASH_WritePrConfig(FLASH_B1F0, DISABLE); FLASH_SectorErase(FLASH_B1F0); FLASH_WordWrite(SAVE_FLASH_BASE, 0x123456); EIC_IRQConfig(ENABLE); The program is running in bank 0. When I run the section with the debugger and everything is ok, but the program don't starts himself by power up without debugging. May be I have to start the flash writing sequence from RAM??? How can I copy the function from Flash into RAM and running there??? Can anybody helps me2008-04-18 12:09 AM
I have the same problem,
Could anybody kindly help us? thanks in advance. Alfa.2008-04-18 12:27 AM
I solved the problem. You must copy the flash library into RAM, because the first FLASH writing cycle must be started from there. Change your scatter file as shown below:
USER_MODE 0x40000000 0xC40000 { FLASH 0x40000000 { 71x_vect.o (Vect, +First) 71x_init.o (Init) * (+RO) } RAM 0x20000000 { flash.o (+RO) * (+RW) * (+ZI) } }2008-04-18 5:30 AM
Hello Simon,
Thank you very much for your reply. Unfortunately I don’t know what is the “scatter� file. Yes, I’m newbie in ARM’s. I tried to find information on IAR website, googleing and here but I don’t know what exactly I must to modificate. Could you please explain me in detail? 1000 thanks. Regards.2008-04-18 5:30 AM
Hello Simon,
Thank you very much for your reply. Unfortunately I don’t know what is the “scatter� file. Yes, I’m newbie in ARM’s. I tried to find information on IAR website, googleing and here but I don’t know what exactly I must to modificate. Could you please explain me in detail? 1000 thanks. Regards.2008-04-18 5:34 AM
I forgot to say that I'm ussing IAR WORKBENCH 5.1 and STR711 processor (tested in Evaluation board and selfmade board).
Alfa2008-04-19 12:05 AM
You can avoid having to resort to modifying the scatter file. One way of doing it is to embed the body of the RAM function into a static variable. This way the runtime library will copy its contents from ROM to RAM during static variable initialization phase:
/* * void flash_start_wait(uint32_t volatile* reg, uint32_t start) * { * *reg |= start; * while ((*reg & start) != 0) {} * } */ static uint32_t flash_start_wait_body[] = { 0xE5902000, /* LDR R2, [R0] */ 0xE1822001, /* ORR R2, R2, R1 */ 0xE5802000, /* STR R2, [R0] */ 0xE5902000, /* loop LDR R2, [R0] */ 0xE1120001, /* TST R2, R1 */ 0x1AFFFFFC, /* BNE loop */ 0xE12FFF1E /* BX LR */ }; union ramfunc { uint32_t* iptr; void (*fptr)(uint32_t volatile* reg, uint32_t start); }; static const union ramfunc flash_start_wait = { flash_start_wait_body }; static void flash_start_operation(bool block) { if (block) { disable_irq(); (flash_start_wait.fptr)(&FLASH_CR0, 1u << 31); enable_irq(); } else { busy = true; FLASH_CR0 |= FLASH_WMS; } }2008-04-19 12:08 AM
On 18-04-2008 at 18:04, Anonymous wrote: I forgot to say that I'm ussing IAR WORKBENCH 5.1 and STR711 processor (tested in Evaluation board and selfmade board). Alfa One more thing. I seem to recall that there is the __ramfunc keyword in IAR EWARM which does the trick automatically. Not sure if it wasn't removed in the new version 5, though.