2009-10-23 9:29 PM
2011-05-17 12:59 AM
I have two interrupts on the same WIU group, on P6.0 and on P6.2 I understood only one line in a group can generate an Interrupt. So I decided to use the WIU_IRQHandler to manage the second interrupt in the same group. I know from the manual any line ORed can generate an irq to vic1.9 and also a wakeup signal. Just I need manage interrupt vic1.9, ie the WIU_IRQ. But it doesn't work. So I used an other interrupt line to check a solution. WIU_StructInit(&WIU_InitStructure); WIU_InitStructure.WIU_Line = WIU_Line11; WIU_Init(&WIU_InitStructure); SCU_WakeUpLineConfig(11); Using a line on other group I obtained the second interrupt as well. BUT if I comment the source this way: // SCU_WakeUpLineConfig(11); I espect to receive the WIU_IRQ, but It doesn't. these are the configuration i used SCU_APBPeriphClockConfig(__WIU, ENABLE); SCU_AHBPeriphClockConfig(__VIC,ENABLE); SCU_AHBPeriphReset(__VIC,DISABLE); VIC_Config(WIU_ITLine,VIC_IRQ,3); VIC_ITCmd(WIU_ITLine,ENABLE); VIC_Config(EXTIT1_ITLine,VIC_IRQ,4); VIC_ITCmd(EXTIT1_ITLine,ENABLE); VIC_Config(EXTIT2_ITLine,VIC_IRQ,5); VIC_ITCmd(EXTIT2_ITLine,ENABLE); WIU_Cmd(ENABLE); WIU_ClearFlag(WIU_Line11); WIU_ClearFlag(WIU_Line18); ... never come in the WIU_ITLine. Thank you, for any suggestion2011-05-17 12:59 AM
I found the gap...
I wrote a wrong sequene: ... WIU_Cmd(ENABLE); WIU_ClearITPendingBit(WIU_Line18); WIU_DeInit(); ... and sobstitute with this ... WIU_DeInit(); // *** <= First of all! WIU_ClearITPendingBit(WIU_Line18); WIU_Cmd(ENABLE); ... Thanks