2006-06-26 8:35 PM
Which Emulator supports both ST10F25x and ST10F269?
2006-06-25 6:17 PM
Does anyone know which development toolset (Emulator/Programmer: Hardware&Software)can support BOTH ST10F25xE (ST10F251E and ST10F252E) and ST10F269?
2006-06-26 8:35 PM
Hello Jiang_Wu,
Hitex third party provides emulator supporting all existing ST10 derivatives, including the ST10F269 and the 25x series. All these devices are supported through their DProbeST10 using different adapters (depending on the package) and X-Peripheral modules. You can contact Hitex technical support for more details. Hitex web site: They will provide you with any information you may need. PLS supports also the ST10F25x and the ST10F269. For more infos, you can contact PLS technical support. PLS web site: I hope this helps you, Regards, Najoua. [ This message was edited by: Najoua on 27-06-2006 09:06 ]