2005-04-15 5:17 AM
2005-01-20 5:43 AM
To revisit an ongoing issue, we need an ethernet driver for the integrated ethernet controller on the Vega. We are using the Linux platform.
It is apparent that ST has something in hand - the Vega programmers manual states ''The usage of the Vega internal MAC is very restricted and tested only under the Linux operating system..'' We are considering writing our own driver, but it would be very useful to have ST's current driver (even in pre-release form) as a starting place. The other thing that gives pause is the next two sentences in the manual where it says ''Any other functional configuration is not guaranteed by ST. Problem that may occur is a file transfer corruption.'' Is the Vega ethernet controller silicon solid, or is the delay in releasing the driver in part because of incomplete functionality? If this is not the appropriate place to ask these questions, please redirect me. Thanks, Harold.2005-01-20 6:31 PM
you can refer to that URL.
VEGA ethernet is based upon TULIP arch (you can find some phrase in datasheet or programmer's man. I dont remember the exact docs version though.) everybody says that it is advised that using PCI-ethernet hardware is preferable (like ste10/100..) and i used RTL8139 and never tried TULIP support option in ' .config ' file. the revision schedule is still not defined yet. and properly working hardware is not readily available so the writing own device driver might br end up in vain.. jeremy http://mcu.st.com/modules.php?mop=modload&name=Splatt_Forums&file=viewtopic&topic=1869&forum=62005-04-13 9:07 AM
This ''ongoing issue'' is quite important for me to know. Does ST (or anybody else) have an Ethernet driver for the Vega's built in MAC that works? It would be very helpful for our development. ThxQuote:
On 20-01-2005 at 19:13, haroldp wrote: To revisit an ongoing issue, we need an ethernet driver for the integrated ethernet controller on the Vega. We are using the Linux platform. It is apparent that ST has something in hand - the Vega programmers manual states ''The usage of the Vega internal MAC is very restricted and tested only under the Linux operating system..'' We are considering writing our own driver, but it would be very useful to have ST's current driver (even in pre-release form) as a starting place. The other thing that gives pause is the next two sentences in the manual where it says ''Any other functional configuration is not guaranteed by ST. Problem that may occur is a file transfer corruption.'' Is the Vega ethernet controller silicon solid, or is the delay in releasing the driver in part because of incomplete functionality? If this is not the appropriate place to ask these questions, please redirect me. Thanks, Harold.2005-04-15 5:17 AM
well, i am not pretty sure if this would help. because i have abandoned using internal MAC and left out the ehternet PHY instead, i used RTL8139 in the design. but recently i noticed STE10/100A driver in the support page somewhere on this site. http://www.st.com/stonline/prodpres/dedicate/telecom/network/ethernet/ste10faq.htm above is BRIEF (!) explanation of the driver. http://www.st.com/stonline/products/support/datacom/driver.htm and above is the URL to the page where the Linux driver is. the internal etherenet interface is MODIFIED (enhanced? well..) tulip architecture. so it is strongly presumed that this driver has some relation with STE100A well DEC tulip is supported by LINUX menuconfig. they said LINUX supports DEC tulip well. which is right. above code source and linux DEC tulip driver source are the only material that you can have access to. my company's application uses FTP to some extent so i gave up using internal MAC. but they seem to have no will to improve VEGA's internal MAC interface functionality so far... wish this may help you. Regards. jeremy.