2004-03-28 1:24 AM
2011-05-17 2:59 AM
Hi !
I have some questions about the upsd33 : 1. I can run a small code (less then 8K) properly. i put it on csboot0 (0x0000 - 0x1FFF). But when i want to run a large code (My code is about 60K ) , i can't do it . Please explain how do i manage this large code ? Where should i put it ?and how ? 2.does the psd memory(on the psd module) have to start on address 0x0000 ? 3.how do i set a part of memory to Program Space and how to Data space ? 4.do i have to use csboot0-3 or can i set the code to be in main flash with FS0 at 0x0000 - 0xFFFF ? 5. do i have to configure the uVision project as well ? if i work with paging ? and if i dont work with paging ? or maybe merging the code with PSDexpress is enough ?2011-05-17 2:59 AM
- Compiler/Linker (UV2): Compile without banking: your code is necessarily less than 64K (UPSD3212).
- PSDSOFT: You must carefully set your PSDSOFT project to make things work: 1 - ''MCU/DSP'' menu - Set the main flash to ''program space only'' and the secondary flash to ''data space only''. 2 - ''Pin/Node functions'' menu - Define the main chip select bits FS0...FS3 to 4000...C000 respectively. Define the RS0 chip select and the CSIOP to locations where the compiler looks for them (XDATA) 3 - ''Merge'' menu - Check that the 4 main sectors have the correct address, and assign to all of them the same HEX file produced by the compiler. Good luck, Daniel