2009-12-10 3:18 AM
Trials with ST7LITEU09M6 mcu and ad converters
2009-12-10 3:18 AM
I'm doing some trials with an st7liteu09m6 and its ad-converters. I'm using the internal resonator with an fpu equal to 4mhz. The adc conversion speed is equal to fpu/2,so 2 mhz. I have connected a 10k resistor between one of the adc input pin of the mcu on one side and to the ground the other side. The problem is that I see about 20mv between the input pin and the resistor when I expect to see about 0 Volts.(It seems a voltage generated by the adc input pin). What it can be ? best regards Spectre http://picpaste.com/pic.JPG (take a look at the link because the image tag seems to be not working)